Thursday, March 25, 2010

Couple Shoot - Alycia & Christo

Alycia and Christo are very good friends of my husband and I. This shoot was so much fun and Alycia and Christo was up for anything. Thanks you guys for choosing me as your photographer! Now I hope the next shoot I do for you will be an Engagement Shoot (skimp,skimp...CHRISTO!). Just kidding! Ally and Christo........I really hope you enjoy these pics!I just absolutely LOVE them!This is just a teaser,more pics to follow shortly.

Please comment! I would love to hear what you think of it!

Happy blogging!


Yolande Verhoef said...

BAIE BAIE COOL foto's Dene!!! Christo, jy lyk HOTTTTT'sssssss!!!!

Unknown said...

Trudene, dis ONGELOOFLIK!!! As ek vroeer geweet het het ek jou bespreek vir ons troue. Alycia & Christo......ooooohhhh you are the sexiness!!!

aly said...

Ek love AL die fotos... dis regtig awesome!

Landie hy is mos altyd hotness vriendin...hehe, ek sal nou weer 'n kwaai smurfie moet wees om die girls van hom af te!

('',) dankie'sss julle!!!